Saturday, April 14, 2007

Templates: Priest of the One

Priest of the One
31-20=11 points for package
+ variable amount for Rank, Power Investiture

The Church of the One (described later) has ordained agents, called priests, circulating throughout the world. Oneism believes in strict adherence to ritual, and priests of the One are well versed in the various ceremonies.

Patron: Church of the One [13]
(powerful organization) 15, fairly often 9-, Pact Limitation: Obsession: Convert all to One (-10%))

Pacifism: Cannot Kill [-15]

Discipline of Faith: Ritualism [-5]

Clerical Investment [5]
+1 from co-religionists and respecters of the faith

Clerical Rank 0 [0]

Tenure [5]

Power Investiture [variable/10 per level]

Skills: Required

4 pts Theology: The One (IQ/H)
2 pts Religious Ritual: The One (IQ/H)
2 pts Savior-Faire: Church (IQ/A)

Skills: Recommended

Meditation (Will/H)
Philosophy (IQ/H)
Public Speaking (IQ/A)

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