Saturday, April 14, 2007

Races: The Grrorg'n

The Grrorg’n are a race of canine humanoids who lived in the north and northeast wilderness outside the Great Circle. Since the barrier has come down, the Grrorg’n have expanded their lands drastically in all directions except the east, where a natural mountain range and their enemies the Yow-Lao prevent expansion.

The Grrorg’n come in many sizes and supspecies, but are generally human-sized. They are outstanding trackers, as their sense of smell is far more sensitive than a human being’s. Their thick pelts also offer them some protection against cold and minimal defense against attack. Grrorg’n are also sharp-eared and have proven to be difficult to kill.

Their friendly nature can be quite overwhelming at times, and it is quite rare to see a Grrorg’n alone. They seek company, and often do so in an annoyingly aggressive way.

Grrorg’n society is communistic in nature, though there are leaders and followers as the time requires. Humans tend to see Grrorg’n as obnoxious, uncultured hicks.

13 points for package

ST +0
DX +0
IQ +0
HT +0
Subtotal: 0

Fur: [5]
+1 DR, Tough skin limitation (flexible, contact agents) (-40%)
2 points temperature tolerance (cold) (35-2xHT as lower limit)

Hard to Kill 2 [+4]

Acute Hearing +2 [4] (p. 35)

Discriminatory Smell [15]
You may recognize things by scent. You may memorize a scent by sniffing it for 1 minute and making an IQ roll. You get +4 smell, and get +4 to the Tracking skill)

Social Stigma: [-10]
Minority Group: -2 reaction to all but other Grrorg’n.

Chummy [-5]
You react well to others (+2) most of the time. When you are alone, you are unhappy and distracted, and suffer a -1 to IQ based skills.

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