Saturday, April 14, 2007

Races: The Favored

The Favored, also known as Outlanders, are another subspecies of human from beyond the Touchless Sea. Originally recruited to assist the humans in what was shaping up to be a multi-front war, the Favored arrived on the shores of the Splintered Lands only to find their military might was not needed after all. The Favored decided to open up relations with the humans and have integrated into their society.

Favored are just a little bit better than humans in the physical realm. Stronger, more graceful, healthier, longer lived…the name “Favored” is not lightly earned.

Favored are not well adapted to the magical energies in the world: their homeland is not particularly magical, but in the Shattered Lands, Favored find that they must “cleanse” themselves of magic regularly.

Despite this limitation, Favored are regarded with honor, reverence, and some fear by most humans.

(Outlander Human)
32 points for package

ST +1
DX +1
IQ +0
HT +1
Subtotal: +40

Social Regard +2 [+10]

Extended Lifespan x2 [+2]
Mature at age 36, aging at 100

Magic Susceptibility -5 [-15]

Maintenance [-5]
Must be “cleansed” of mana, caretaker must have Thaumaturgy skill in order to do this. Maintenance takes one hour and must be done weekly in a normal mana area. In a high-mana area, this increases to a daily ritual, while in a low-mana area, this decreases to a monthly ritual.

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